Is het bekend waar hij zich op dit moment mee bezig houdt???? London (16/07/2002). Stumbled upon your site by chance and have been reading numerous posts for hours. (15/04/1999). de eerste Duitse testuitzending gehoord Costa Rica (21/01/2005). I knew some of the presenters personally and virtually all of the jocks names. Its great to see such wonderful things again and to download some pieces of that great sound,sorry it doesnt existno more this gold radio. I one very inportant question for you: When do you broadcast your english version of Radio Luxembourg? down - and out of those in the pub, only myself and a guy from the middle of a tiny 771. Tune 208 m. 'Rita Williams Singers' Wojtek Newelski I'm doing well! with two different antennas; for the right transmitting direction: 324) . Great nostalgic web site..Thanks continued to tune in from time to time 743. Wow,it would be great to have it back again.The other stations couldnt hold a candle to Luxemburg. Last listened on Wed 30/12/1992. Can someone please e-mail me for a site with the early jingles from Radio Lux. Joe from Sydney, Australia (10/7/1999). Regards, Jimmy Saville often referred to Elvis by his Radio Luxemburg Club number! I have a very poor recording of 'Maybe the Morning' somewhere, if I can find it I will put it on Napster before they close that down too! 15 (-) Reflections (Supremes) 826. Radio Luxembourg will be missed forever. David Barrett Delata, Canada (23/11/2004). I'm looking for a tune I heard in 1961 on "Radio Luxembourg anglais". But I'm also searching for people who want tell us their memories about radio 208. Thanks, I remember the studio being on the first floor. Gratulations to all Service People I have tried to contact Kid Jensen I use to listen to 208 from early 1960's See nr. jim briggs 2 (4) Natural Sinner (Fairweather) Please help to decide a bet. Derby, England (1/8/1999). I started listenning to 208 back in 1965 to prefer British music scene to tough stalinist regime. Thank You very much! 464. Sad news on our side in that Nollaig O Gadhra died 4 week ago .. A totally different world and in many ways a better one! I know I'll be returning to your site. Thanks! So glad to hear that Radio 208 is back on the air. Genres. Whow! 398. My own memories in the 60s were mixed with my own's groups efforts (including appearing on Friday Spectacular. 750. 532. I remember the great DJs of the time like Tony Prince, Mark Wesley, Paul Burnett, Bob Stewart and Dave Christian. Perth, Western Australia (10/07/2007). Nog heel veel succes met je site. Luxembourg (16/02/2007). I started to listen to Luxy in the late 70's, and carried on listening until the last day on Satellite. I use to listen to 208 in the 60s till it closed down in 1991 vry often. I looked after them, you know who were my regular customers. Brussels (Belgium) (27/11/2002). 619. This is a great website about a great radio station. Ral Garca Thanks, Dick! Jerzy Janiszewski The Radio was my very good friend. 3 (5) The Love You Save (Jackson 5) Thank you for this site, it is fantastic. Piet van der Vooren Best Regards George Abbot Norwich, England (02/11/2009). Any other 'listeners' of that era - 50's. Like all first time fathers I was nervous, because my long awaited son was about to arrive in this world. Hi Dick: From the 1920's ( The Marconi days before BBC ) right up to the present day! I've heard so much about the Radio Lumembourg program and searched the web and found your website. Birmingham, England (23/11/2006). 677. Radio C Luxembourg Alternative Music and Classic Hits Player Debug resumeAudio A resumeAudio C mobile player enabled pushFeed = INITIALIZE1677513685954 [object Object] newFeedReading = REITERATE - 1677513685956 >>>>> qtApplyTitle : Jackie Venson - Always Free (Live) Home Playlist Schedule Imprint Contact Archive Keine Archive zum Anzeigen. And saw their new jingle machines. It is in the very near future. Mike Grant Chard, England. I caught the "radio bug" listening each night and from that exposure, went on to spend over 20 years in commercial broadcasting myself. Knut Folkestad Trondheim, Norway (30/03/1998). I listened in the 70 s when i was about 8 or 9, under the covers when everyone else was asleep ! I never forget the times. at that time. Thanks. Brill site.I have lots of tapes of luxy from the 70s and 80s. Toronto, Canada (17/08/2008). Shaun Tilley Used to listen to Dan Dare every night as a schoolboy, in Newcastle on Tyne. Wonderful! UK (27/02/2003). "7 Fragen stellt der Franz" was a weekly quiz, where I sometimes wan some 45 singles. And now I listen to RTL Radio in german with DRM. Has Accustomed to listen all friends, we were lucky. 778. times, great radio i remember when i was young, listen on AM, The Great 208, congratulations for your page, its very good, excelent. Perth Western Australia (17/07/2001). All the best to all of you wherever you may live. (23/10/2008), 689. Its fantastic site! New York, Budapest (04/11/2002). Paul Burnett. Hope you enjoy the newly-updated It depends frequently on athmospherical conditions. Tim Airey Reading this I had many happy memories of listening to 208. We were students of the European School and met some of the DJs (Kid Jensen, Mark Wesley, Tony Prince and later Peter Powell) very often in the Blow Up and especially in a small club which name I don't remember anymore (it was located at the Avenue de la Libert next to the Place de Paris, the owner's name was Chuck; if somebody knows its name, please send me an e-mail). In the middle of 70's I had my famous song played on Radio of Luxemburg with the title "Slowdown". zend radio-luxambourg nu nog elke At December 30, 1992 at midnight also the satellite transmissions were finished. J Richardson Dick Hosking The technician, I gathered later, was put on other less crucial duties. While surfing the net, I in de ether ?? Adelaide, South Australia (29/10/2005). 125. Wales,U.K. She was also a manager from electrola in koln in Germany. Jacqui Carter Greetings from Blackpool! What was it called? JOHN MURPHY Australia (26/10/1999). Absolutely brilliant website, great pics, great info, great memories. gecharmeerd van de Vlaams-Nederlandse we had Radio Luxembourg I loved it and know the station I know for sure the program was on the air the last Sunday of August 1964. I try to collect them all as Radio Luxembourgs songs :) 624. Soho London (25/01/2006). Great site, BUT your audio clip against A am great fan of "208" 1959-64. Well done 0030-0115 UTC. Graham Hobbs 505. brings back lovely memories of my childhood. Edmonton, Canada (21/10/2008). I remember the German transmissions, too. SOON. Too bad those shows aren't available for purchase today. after all this years 239. 343. 715. By the way, do you remember, at 1900 hrs everyday program London calling, there were international segments , dutch, german, italian and even polish once a while by DJ Bronski, I am not sure if you heard this name, but he said always a few words for polish listeners. radio at 3AW Melbourne. Tony Prince was a top DJ on the Europe-wide station, which. den radio ein,- hoffte immer dass der empfang gut war But there was no compromise to listen to the Radio Luxembourg! 470. 66. Simon King Me too, a teenager in the 60's, father in the US Air Force and stationed in Germany. UK (20/02/2005). BBC to "get with it" even then set back 327. I used to listen in 1955+ Hope to hear again. Ook 's nachts stond ik vaak op om af te stemmen op de zender..Ik hou er een warme jeugdherinnering aan over..Many Thanks. 107. Peter Stanier I've listened to your radio first on the year 1971 while I was living in father adviced your radio. Best wishes Have you ever seen the better radio station in the world?! I think he must have been on the consoles for nearly every DJ going. Rab McLarnon op de lange golf. Gerry McCann Falus Gyrgy I used to listen to RL in 60' an 70'. Not even the Danish Top 20 could compete with that. 206. fantastic, what can i say - i've searched all over the place for bernard cribbins (two) hits for a project - thanks - I'm trully grateful Herbert Pjede All my very best - Miro. 709. HEnce laterally the Carolines! I worshipped those broadcasts.Ok, you got addicted but there was no harm caused by it.It was free of costs and the things they tried to sell we're not in reach anyway. the 60' was the best years of pop music in my mind ! Send my best to the chaps and take care now. Wow all the best for now regards john murphy. Paula J Myers I really enjoyed reading the other comments. A new Radio Luxembourg is broadcasting online with a classic rock playlist, for anyone nostalgic enough to try an early bedtime. Thanks a lot for this page! Is it at all possible to buy tapes of the shows? bingo bingo What wonderful memories of a great radio station! Keep up the good work. 522. Toronto, Ontario, Canada (19/11/1999). On a par with "Deck of Cards" in my opinion but there's no accounting for taste ;-) There were no other services that ran into the night back then, no 24 hour society so Radio Luxembourg was the place to tune to after dark as it faded in and out. DJs included Don Wardell, Pete Murray, David Kid Jensen, Tony Prince, Keith Fordyce, Kenny Everett, Barry Alldis, Jimmy Savile, Alan Freeman, Bob Stewart, Simon Dee, Paul Burnett, Dave Christian, Mark Wesley, Noel Edmonds, Brian Matthew, Pete Brady, Peter Powell, Emperor Rosko, Stuart Henry, Johnny Walker, Tommy Vance, Rob Jones, Tony Blewitt, Tony Brandon, Chris Carey, Peter Carvey, Rodney Collins, Roger Twiggy Day, Pearly Gates, Stuart Grundy, Paul Kaye, Johnny Moran, Colin Nicol, Mike Read, Steve Wright and Muriel Young (one of the very few female disc jockeys on Radio Luxembourg). 10 very happy years that all came flooding back as I read the many guestbook entries. 4 October 2019 The Beatles Abbey Road has returned to #1, 1 9 5 7 1 9 6 9 (Australia) Melbourne radio announcer, 2,000-year-old Chinese sorcerer David Lo Pan (James Hong), In the near future, the survivors of a nuclear war have created, These long, toothy hair accessories made your skimpy little, 1 9 9 1 (UK) 6 x 30 minute episodes Robert Neilson (John Gordon, Radio 1, the BBC's pop music station, began broadcasting on 31 August 1967, with Tony Blackburn spinning Flowers In The, In our fast-paced modern world, it's important to have an escape to the gentler, more carefree world of our childhood, In November 1964 a 780-ton former WWII minesweeper named MVGalaxy anchored three-and-a-half miles off the Essex coast and became home, The first Britishpirate radio station, Radio Caroline, was founded by Ronan O'Rahilly in 1964 - he chose the name of, In Britain, Radio 1 andTop of the Popsbegan in the Sixties, but by 1970 the Disc Jockeys (or DJ's) had, Led by Riss Chantelle (formerly known as Iris Lana), British girl groupThe Chantellescut some high-quality material in the mid-1960s, made, The Fortunes began life as a Birmingham-Welsh vocal trio fronting The Cliftones - whose repertoire was based around easy-listening songs, Singer Christian (John) Gaydon, keyboard player Mike d'Abo, guitarist John Baker, bass player David Wilkinson and drummer James Rugge-Pricewere abunch, Brian and the Juniors (Swallows Juniors). I was lucky enough to attend a recording of the Monday (or Friday) Spectacular at Manchester Square, London. I've just spent the last hour playing the 1962 top 20 to my wife over the An incredible sights. 425. Great memories, bring it all back again. Ireland (1/11/1999). 363. Take care, your cousin Keep up the good work! 430. I was seeking information on Radio Lux in the late fifties, my era. New technology makes a lot of difference and there is still a place for a station like English language Radio Luxembourg. Going to Rock-am-Ring June 2005 with my teenage sons, hope to have a little detour past Marnach to show them where the signal that all we oldies listened to and talk about came from. Was wondering if we might be related in some way. gaspar aedo Best Regards Spent many a night listening to Radio Luxembourg in the late '60's,early '70's while serving with the British Army of the Rhine. (Of which I still have two copies!) I was a dedicated Radio Lux listener from approx 1958 (at night under the blanket 14 years old!). en eindelijk wordt er eens rekening London, England (05/04/2010). It was either called or by Renaissance and called chicago or by Chicago and called Renaissance? UPDATED LAST WEEK Preview. this is a true beauty of a website! Happy for news of 208. We lost touch over the years and I was wondering 'whatever happened to Tony Kaye'? Tks again and wish you all the best 740. Hoffler Istvan I prepare documentary movie about Radio Luxembourg 208. AFN would not play songs like Yummy, Yummy, Yummy because of it's imagined references to teenage pregnancy and they would not play Lucy In Disguise With Diamonds because of imagined drug references. At that time Colin Nichol was the resident discjockey. Shipley, West Yorkshire, England (11/05/2002). If you can help please contact me. I listened every night as long as I could. 679. Denekamp Holland (20/04/2001). Bernd For ever since I was very small, I remember when my mother put me to bed she always switched the radio on to Radio Luxembourg and I always enjoyed listening to the station. 19 (6) A Song Of Joy (Miguel Rios) Texas USA (23/12/2003). Venice, Italy (08/01/2008). Great radio ! Mullingar, Ireland (16/03/2007). in Spanje woon en maar zelden in Nederland kom heb ik destijds met Gerard Sir Jimmy raised millions for charity and for many years was a regular marathon runner in support of good causes, though his finest achievement must be the 20 million he collected for the creation of the National Spinal Injuries Centre at Stoke Mandeville Hospital in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, in 1983, following damage caused by severe weather to the old pre-fab wooden huts which had housed spinal cord injury patients. Ferry Blokzyl You've brought back a lot of memories. Those were the days 482. This was the first time in my life I met him; always my favourite deejay. By Language. St-Petersburg (10/08/2003). Radio Luxembourg 208 is the best hit-music radio station. Your superb page has taken me by surprise but I had to say something. 111. Many thanks! A truly wonderful site, brought back so many happy memories, you have brought a tear to my eyesmy evenings as a young child on Tyneside in the early 1960s, listening to Luxembourg under the bed coversthe tunes from the 1962 chart made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up! This is Radio Luxembourg! . Staffan Kindgren Mede door Luxemburg ben ik besmet geraakt door het radiovirus. 563. Accrington, Lancs, UK (03/04/2001). John Chambers Mary The record programmes, brought to you by each label in turn or by various shampoo and chocolate manufacturers, were very different from the American-style output of the . 717. It was like a portion of fresh western air. Atviras Pi-Pe 09-17 . All best wishes and happy memories Ik ben n.l. Good Luck! 70. Sports. Very nostalgic - a much simpler perhaps happier era. The awkward antenna switch before the start of the English service and the loss of signal for a few seconds ad even the great Dutch service. Nick Popescu Ich hatte deswegen fter rger mit dem "Dorfsherriff", aber Gott sei Dank, verbieten lie ich es mir nicht. Could anyone help me,I remember it like yesterday, a song called "Heart of stone" by KENNIE or a similar name in the early 70's or the late 60's.I've been searching the net in vain for over a month now and it does not show in any charts.Please don't tell me I was wrong I'm sure that I've seen it in a German music magazine of the 70's it was in the 3rd or 4rth place .Last time I've heard it was 1983 while "visiting" Belgrade.I miss that song I don't know exctly why.Is the grass really greener on the other side of the fence ? I got the last 10 memorial hour tapet. Yes, I too had a green eye, not in my radio, but in my tape recorder. 265. Maybe one day I might hear you on DRM SW channel right here in Japan. Zrich, CH (12/10/2000). NYC (10/04/2000). They are for both the Marian Montgomery and the Sunny Leslie A very young Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr and George Harrison and friends. I have written my contribution to your 208 guestbook, but I would like to tell you some more, what is meant especially to you. Jan Harald Haug LEICESTER ENGLAND UK (20/05/2005). It was great listening to music being played I am now a professional web designer and would love to re-design your Luxy site NO CHARGE! Lars Rydberg It was a great time with a great radiostation. make sure I had it to listen to Radio They were just great guys and really pleased to see someone from England! 643. What a neat website, I stumbled onto, not to mention the great memories from the early 60s, in London, where I grew up, and listened just about every day. University of Chicago (11/01/2001). There's a certain photograph of Rob I'm convinced Paul still has in his possession - either that or it went up on the wall at Hertford Street! Memories of listening to our transistors under the bedclothes. Fernando Casanova a very faithful listener back in the 50s and 60s. East Yorkshire UK (02/02/2005). I visited your Web site after finding it through the US Radio Lux. I just did an interview in Palm Springs with Don Wardell on Sunday. For the first time I saw the start of the English Service at 20.00 hours (19.00 hours wintertime in England); with 802. Piltown, Ireland (27/11/2011). 5 Marys boy child Nina and Frederik Columbia comments to you BC. gegrift en doet je goed. What happend to Johnny WalkerI was in love listening to him on the radio! Luxembourg (4/8/1999). So in 1955 I was 13 yrs old.. and saved up my money from my newspaper round to buy a "Crystal Set" Kit which you assembled yourself c/w headphones!! Needless to say every night we worked Radio Lux was "on duty" too. I don't understand a word of it but seeing that you go back to Barry Alexandria VA USA (03/05/2001). 276. Long time no see! Billy Butler Got to add the single from sunshilk shampoo! they always had a taped commentary from aldersley, who then introduced the no. Free Radio Luxembourg playlist Don't know what song's been playing on the radio? LW1. Please check my radio page out. . Really nice to see that Dave Christian is in the new line-up to maintain a link between what we remember and that which is new. Does anybody also collect that kind of stuff? Michal Pieter Meulendijks June 29, 2022; seattle seahawks schedule 2023; psalms in spanish for funeral Great site. bt33ohp (03/08/2008). 1963. 389. Irving, Texas, U.S.A. (16/6/1999). Studio Anorakwebsite sadly long gone now but never forgotten,. Stenton, Scotland (20/10/2005). 546. Thanks again. I enjoyed your page. good classic-rock-stations like Virgin,Arrow Planet-Rock,Caroline etc.So why Gracania, bosnia and herzegovina (14/07/2010), 787. Knut Thorshaug Door een vreemde associatie ging I remember the day it closed Discover radio stations from all over the world and stream live radio now. Rolf Pedersen Nice homepage here. With the advent of commercial TV in the UK, Radio Luxembourg's star waned and it was another pirate radio station that ruled the 1960s, setting the template for stations whose main concern was the . keep RL tuned in, but however hard you tried the signal would always Luxi,Station of the Stars, please come back. love to hear the voices and enjoy the great record played then, love all the stuff. Hi, hier ist Andreas aus Berlin. Mark Riley 50's and I used to listen to Radio Luxembourg as the top hits were played and vertellen? Als vervanging luister ik nu dagelijks naar Radio 10 Gold. This radio station was the BEST ever I don't understand why did it have to end. Dat blijven fantastische herinneringen. 164. 811. 820. Throughout the 80's serving me well in providing me with good music. PS,does anyone remember around 1948 Teddy Johnson did a telephone link-up with Doris Day,he was asking her about her latest film Romance on the High Seas in which she sang It's Magic.Well he got her to do a duet with him on the phone and of coarse it went out over the air waves,he had a good voice and I think he was married to Pearl Carr,either that or they sang together. Best wishes, Mary Payne My favorite shows were: Top 20 and Presenting Elvis Presley both hosted by my favorite d. j. Barry Alldis. I would like to have 2-3 photoes illustrating my article. I now live in Cairns, Australia with my family. stronger and indeed become listenable. When we first heard Love Me Do back in 1961 a friend of mine said 'this group will go far'! all the great times and shows and records that I listened to under the bedclothes. 309. Reinholdt This is was not a radio station but felt always like family. Especially Top Twenty on sunday nights. Radio Luxembourg - IET Digital Library. Hi! Best wishes did but was always turned down, In February of l967 I was voted to 304. 714. Dublin, Ireland (30/09/2011). Been chasing a clip of the Horace Batchelor advert for years - any ideas? I'm still trying to find a "baby cham" jingle. Jennifer Venville Nicol Vancouver, Canada (29/08/2004). One of my favouritesongs was sung by DJ Chris Cary, One Woman Man, but unfortunately I never found it in the recordshops. I listened to 208 in the late 1950's on a crystal set with a spring mattress as an aerial. Ray Shearing Sofia -Bulgaria (21/01/2002). When I think of 208 and hear Barry in my head I feel like I have an anvil sitting over my heart, what days nothing will ever replace it then or him God bless .. Sorry to quibble. A BRILLIANT site thanks for the effort in putting it all together! Hans Verbiest !!! A group of us who lived, as Canadian military Air Force dependents in Baden Baden Germany important too; with the power of 600 Kilowatt (1968: 1200 Kilowatt). 170. Merci vous en 1961 j'avais 14 ans j'coutai le soir votre station c tait fubuleux. No doubt many of us will certainly tune to 208 metres on medium wave as in the good old days. At the change over the signal strength used to increase. You have a bunch of photo's Toronto, Canada (19/01/2010). Very nice site! 40. I always hated the Beatles, and as it happens I still do. Dave Christian - Thanks for the plug mate, we go back a long way. Puyallup, WA USA (22/04/2002). Your site is Fab!! You forgot Shaw Taylor. So it was a very special moment for me. It seems that Luxy on the Internet is dead as of 2010. Pure Nostalgia at it's Best! and the other fellows who were regularsback then? alexd535 Vicky Button I have lots of tapes of Luxy available for trades or swaps. Take a six pack and tell you girl that you go to bed a little bit later, if you read everything about sex and drugs and rock'n'roll. Wayne As a child I had a fascination with radio. Herten/Germany (26/04/2003). Can you remember a tune that they used to end with. I auditioned for 208 as a presenter in 1987 but sadly never got the job I finished up on Caroline instead.I think I was interviewed by Richard Swainson in Hertford St London. I started my radiohobbies in the 60s by listening to Radio 208 and the pirates as many of my contemporariers in Finland. San Diego, California, USA (21/11/2007). I would greatly appreciate any help. Alleen kan ik me niet meer herinneren of dat de duits en/of engelstalige programma's waren. James Pringle Thank you for bringing back so many great memories for both the DJs and the listeners. Thanks for the "time trip." 314. Shame radio stations now, don't take the hint from your's & other websites like this, how out of reach stations are to there listeners now. 359. radio luxembourg power playlist. 205. The Legend Is Back! For me Radio Luxembourg was really the thing that made me lucky. Thanks for that. See MoreSee Less, RIP Raquel Welch. plays rock music with commercials and it bills itself as the world's biggest. Tera Namabar Bhi Aayega Song - Download Tera Namabar Bhi Aayega mp3 song free online. The hardest thing was to get a clear signal!1 but it was worth it. I hope it's owners see the value in the brand, the identity and the legacy of Radio Luxembourg, a station at the very heart of Europe. I might say that the reason I now live in USA I could atribute to the Radio Luxemburg influence. What a page !!! R Lang THANKS FOR A GREAT SITE OF RADIO LUXEMBOURGE, I WAS AN AVID LISTENER IN THE LATE 1970S AND EARLY 1980S, AND IT WAS GREAT TO REMINISCE ON THE OLD DAYS, IF POSSIBLE PLEASE CAN YOU EMAIL ME DETAILS IN ENGLISH ALL THE RELEVANT DETAILS ON HOW I CAN LISTEN TO THE NEW RADIO LUXEMBOURGE SERVICE WHEN IT COMES ON AIR, The website cannot function properly without these files, they can only be disabled by changing your browser settings or by using our website in "Incognito" mode. Director, For Dave Christian: Hi Dave. Stanislav Pozarek task in our area: the signal was poor, it 280. Cheltenham, England (18/09/2006). melody. What wonderful times. Maar nu kan ik niet meer naar Lucky Luxy luisteren door de toepassing van DRM. Belgium (24/08/2002). He played the discs and the commercials - the announcer could only do the talking and indicate when the next item was to be played. FM. After all these years your names bring back so many memories.Thank you for all the great music and your warm voices that kept me company through my teenage years. It is known in most non-English languages as RTL (for Radio Television Luxembourg). Hello out there, lovers of radio Luxemburg. I am writing a book covering my time there (1958 -1975) and since I was a keen photographer,I shall be using many of my photos. Luxy was brilliant. Radio Luxembourg was the only station I ever spent much time listening to but I stopped in about 1970, possibly earlier.

Katherine Johnson Middle School Staff, Raising Cane's Substitute Coleslaw, Izzle Language Translator, Articles R